The Low-Tox Lifestyle - The Nose Knows

It all starts with a pure essential oil. You smell true Young Living lavender oil, and you realize that you’ve never actually smelled *real* lavender oil before. All of those “lavender” laundry detergents, body washes, soaps are synthetic versions made in a laboratory, and all of a sudden it clicks. The nose knows. Next thing you know, you can’t tolerate the cleaning supplies you’ve been using your whole life, even the “clean” ones like Mrs. Meyers. Lysol becomes nothing short of toxic to your olfactory sense. You can’t walk down the candle aisle in any store without tears welling up in your eyes. Next the laundry detergent smell on your clothes starts to linger in your nose, and it’s horrible, even though it’s called “Spring Rain.” 

Once your nose has a taste, so to speak, for what is true, it’s impossible to go back to the old. The nose knows. The nose is connected directly to the olfactory bulb, which in turn is directly connected to the limbic region of the brain. This is the “feeling” brain, and it’s all about emotions, sensations, memories, traumas, etc. This is why scent is so powerful. This is why you can walk into a room and smell bread baking and feel as though you’ve been transported to your grandmother’s kitchen.

Why would we assault our olfactory system with toxic scents, all day every day? Or rather, why DO we? Almost any store I walk into offends my nose. Being on a plane is hard because inevitably most people are using toxic shampoos that just reek of “chamomile tea tree” or some such scent. All of those products are using fragrance-grade essential oils, or worse, synthetic laboratory compounds. We do not want those anywhere in or near our bodies! 

Thankfully we have free will in our immediate surroundings, and I choose to surround myself with only pure essential oils, or products that are infused with them. Young Living is a company that can help us *replace* all of our toxic products at home. Once you realize you don’t want that laundry detergent smell, or the cleaning products that make your eyes water, you can start to replace them with YL products. It’s that easy. Your nose knows, and your nose will thank you for it. 

If you need help deciding where to start, go to my Contact Me page, and let’s set up a 1:1 consultation to talk about your specific needs.


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